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Got Allergies? Two Things In Your Home That Can Worsen Your Symptoms

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During the spring, plants release pollen, which can cause people that have allergies to suffer. There are also things inside your home that can even make your allergies worse. Below are three of these things so you can take care of them.

Dirty Air

The main thing that can make your allergies worse inside your home is dirty air. For example, if your ductwork has built up mold due to leaks or if your filter is not changed regularly, each time the HVAC runs, the air coming out of the registers will be dirty. This air then spreads throughout your entire home. To take care of this problem, you can purchase an electronic air cleaner to keep the air clean.

There are portable electronic air cleaners, so you can move them from room to room where they are needed. There are large air cleaners that are not portable. An HVAC technician can install these larger air cleaners for you. There are also air cleaners available for you to place in your car or truck.

These air cleaners push the air in the room through a filter. The filter than traps large particles. Small particles pass through the filter and into an ionizing tank. You can find electronic air filters at most home improvement stores or online, and they are generally not expensive.


If you have pets in your home, their dander and hair can get all over everything, and this can worsen allergy symptoms. To help with this, make sure you keep your pet groomed, such as by bathing and daily brushing. This will help remove a lot of hair they would normally lose in your home. There are combs that are specifically made to remove loose hair, especially hair from the undercoat that is more difficult to get to.

Vacuuming once per day and sweeping floors can also help with this problem. Purchase some lint brushes to wipe down furniture. You could also put on a pair of damp rubber gloves and rub the glove over the furniture. Purchase a cordless hand vacuum to make the job even easier for you. You can find vacuums that are made to remove pet hair.

Fleas also come out of hiding in the spring, and if your pet gets fleas, they will scratch constantly, getting their hair and dander all over everything. Prevent this by giving them a flea treatment once per month

You should notice a big difference in how you feel while in your home if you follow these two tips.
