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Why Is My AC Unit Not Turning On?

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Since the primary function of an air conditioning unit is to cool your home, if you flip the switch on your thermostat and nothing happens, it can be a cause for alarm, especially if you have elderly people or babies living underneath your roof. Fortunately, the reason for why your unit isn't turning on at all can be something extremely simple and taken care of within a few minutes. In other situations though, the problem is much more serious and requires professional AC repair to have it fixed. Failure to have it looked at can result in not only an uncomfortable few days but could also cause irreparable damage to your home.

Below are a few possible reasons why your air conditioning unit isn't working. Check through them and try the ones that you feel comfortable working on, but don't be afraid to contact an HVAC company if you need help.

Check the Breaker

One of the most common reasons why an air conditioner won't turn on is if the connection to the power is turned off. Usually, this comes about because of a slight energy surge in the air conditioning unit which triggers a spike and trips the breaker. Flip it back on and the unit should work again, but if it keeps tripping the breaker, you'll need to have a professional technician look at it to make sure it's not a larger electrical issue.

Check the Thermostat

It sounds simplistic, but more often than not, the problem is simply that either your thermostat isn't turned on correctly or that it's malfunctioning in some way. Flip it over to the furnace and see if the heat works; if it doesn't, then there's a good chance that there's something wrong with the thermostat. Getting it replaced is easy, but it can also be accomplished by a professional AC repair service as well.

Check the Power Source

If neither of the above solutions works, your next bet is the energy supply to your AC unit. This is not something that you should do as a homeowner, since it involves a significant amount of risk, but in the event that your home is powered by gas, it may also be illegal for you to work on as well. Gas line repairs require certain permits and licenses, so you'll need to contact an HVAC company to have it looked at for you. If the energy supply is bad somehow, it's usually a simple fix to restore the connection.

If you need AC repair, contact an HVAC company, such as Bud's Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electric.
