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Does Your Walk-In Cooler Have These 3 Issues? Call Commercial Refrigeration Repair Services Immediately

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Many foods, floral, and medicine businesses rely on cold storage to keep their products fresh. One effective cold storage solution is the walk-in freezer. Though commercial walk-in freezers are effective systems that can bring significant benefits to your business, it is important to maintain them regularly to keep them running effectively.

During maintenance, the professionals will analyze your machine's components and fix any hidden issues. Otherwise, ignoring regular maintenance needs will cause various issues with your walk-in refrigerator. Once your cooler starts experiencing problems, it is crucial to call commercial refrigeration repair services to fix the issue and keep your business operations running smoothly. Here are the top signs that your commercial walk-in cooler needs repairs.

1. The Temperatures Are Inconsistent

Poor employees' practices are one of the main reasons your commercial refrigeration unit won't maintain the appropriate temperatures. If your employees constantly leave the cooler's door open for long periods, the system will have to work harder to maintain the ideal temperatures. However, if your workers are using the refrigerator properly, check the door's seals for any issues. If the seals are wearing out, developing molds, or appear detached from the door, the cooler's door will not close properly.

As a result, maintaining consistent temperatures within the walk-in refrigerator becomes a problem. Your cooler's temperatures can also be inconsistent due to condenser and evaporator issues. Such problems are not easy to fix, and it is best to leave them to the refrigeration repair professionals.

2. The Unit Produces Stale Smells

After using your commercial walk-in refrigerator for a while, you will get accustomed to the smells it produces. Therefore, if you begin sensing some stale odors that seem to linger, then it is likely that the products you are storing are not freezing as they should be, or they are going bad. Such problems occur when the temperature control in your unit is faulty or the coolant is leaking. The coolant can leak due to various issues, such as a damaged condenser.

3. The Machine Is Leaking

Have you noticed water pools in or around your walk-in refrigerator? Such pools of water indicate that the seals are not working correctly or the refrigerator's temperatures are fluctuating. If your seals are broken, failing to replace them leads to more significant issues, such as mold growth, which is harmful to your workers and clients. Moreover, constant temperature fluctuations reduce your refrigerator's effectiveness, which is unsuitable for your products.

If your business relies on a walk-in cooler to keep your products fresh, it is vital to ensure it is always working effectively to avoid serious losses. Therefore, call the commercial refrigeration experts if you notice strange smells, water pools, or temperature inconsistencies with your cooler. The experts have the proper skills and tools to determine the cause of the problem and fix it. For more information, contact commercial refrigeration repair services in your area.
