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Signs Of Air Conditioning Damage Requiring Attention

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Your air conditioning system is likely considered to be an essential part of your home, especially if you live in an area where the temperature reaches triple digits. Not only does the AC offer you a comfortably cool home on hot days, but it also helps with things like humidity control and air quality. However, like any mechanical system, air conditioning systems can eventually suffer from breakdowns and malfunctions. When there is a problem with your AC system, it's best to catch it early and have it swiftly fixed. This article will go over some signs indicating that your air conditioning is in need of repairs. 

Warm Air Is Coming From the Vents

If your air conditioning system puts out warm air instead of cool air, then this lets you know there's an issue. Often, the issue will be a leak that is allowing the refrigerant to escape. However, the problem could also have to do with compressor issues or damaged coils. 

You don't want to delay having someone come out because the repairs can become much more expensive when the damage gets worse. For example, if the issue is caused by an issue with the compressor, then ignoring it could lead to the need for a new system. 

There Is Poor Airflow From the Vents

When your air conditioning system is functioning as it should, you should expect a steady stream of cool air coming from the vents. If the system starts to exhibit poor airflow, then this can indicate any number of issues. It may be caused by a clogged air filter, blocked ducts, or even a problem with the blower motor. 

Ignoring problems with the airflow can lead to worse damage. However, another reason for acting quickly is that issues with poor airflow can significantly increase your cooling bills as the compromised system struggles to meet your cooling needs. 

The System Is Making Unusual Sounds

You've become accustomed to the low hums and whooshes your air conditioner normally makes. These sounds shouldn't become any louder than what you're used to, and new noises shouldn't suddenly appear. If the sounds change, this indicates a change in the system that needs to be checked by a technician. 

Many of the causes that lead to new noises can be serious. There could be a problem with the blower, the fan blades, or the compressor. It is important not to ignore any of these issues because doing so can lead to additional parts being damaged, as well as system failure that requires full replacement.

Having your air conditioner checked at the first signs of a problem is the best way for you to avoid higher energy bills, as well as higher repair costs.

Contact an air conditioning repair technician to learn more. 
