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Air Conditioning Repairs That Might Be Needed When The Airflow Is Weak From Your Ducts

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If your air conditioner isn't putting out a strong stream of cool air, the problem might be the blower. Sometimes, the blower makes odd noises if something is wrong with it, so that might help you identify the problem. Since other things can cause the air output to diminish, you'll probably need to call an air conditioning repair company to check your equipment. Here are some problems they may find.  

The Motor Or Capacitor May Need To Be Replaced

The blower may not work very well if it's caked with dust or loose. If needed, the air conditioning repair technician can take the blower out to examine and clean it. Then they can mount it and secure the screws tightly so the blower is balanced. They might also check the belt if your blower has one and lubricate it or replace it if it's damaged.

They can check the blower motor too. If the bearings are bad, they'll probably have to put a new motor on so the blower will spin at full speed. The blower system also has a capacitor. The capacitor provides power to the motor when it kicks on. If the capacitor is weak or bad, the motor may not operate properly and the blower may not spin. The repair technician can replace the capacitor if necessary.

A Duct May Be Ripped Or Loose

If you have flexible ducts, the duct might be ripped because of damage from a squirrel or raccoon in your attic. The duct might also have pulled away from the main duct or it might be constricted if something fell on it.

If the duct is ruined, the air conditioning repair contractor can replace it with a duct of the same size. They can secure it tightly to the main duct again with tape so it won't come loose. They can also suspend the duct from the rafters so there is less chance of it getting in the way and being crushed or bent and obstructing airflow.

The Filter Might Be Matted With Dust

If you've not changed the filter in a long time, it might be covered with a thick mat of dust. The mat can block airflow from getting in the air handler. When the blower spins, it pulls air in through the filter, so if air can't get through, the blower won't make enough air to send through the ducts. Fortunately, this is an easy air conditioning repair that only requires changing the filter. After the technician changes the filter, they may suggest ways to remember to change it on time so your AC doesn't stop working again.

Contact a local HVAC service, such as Signature Heating, Cooling & Construction, to learn more.
